Published on: June 14, 2024

Rajika Kurup, Senior Psychologist, Pallium India, writes:

“Sometimes we need someone to simply be there, not to fix anything in particular, But just to let us feel that we are cared for and supported…”

We are thrilled to share the heart-warming moments and experiences from our recent parent support group meeting held on April 28th, 2024. The turnout was beyond our expectations, with both parents and children eagerly joining in for a day filled with connection, support, and joy.

The meeting commenced with a warm welcome from Dr Sangeetha who leads the Pediatric palliative care at Pallium India, joined by esteemed colleagues including Sr. Shanifa, our dedicated nurse in charge, Neeraja and Angel, our compassionate social workers, our young interns and our psychologists Rajika and Nincy, the stage was set for a day of nurturing and camaraderie.

The inauguration ceremony was a delightful affair, marked by the enthusiastic participation of our children who joined in for a heartwarming cake-cutting ceremony. This set a joyful tone for the day ahead.

Click here to read about the first Rithu meeting

Following the opening ceremony, parents and children were engaged in separate sessions tailored to their needs. Under the guidance of Nincy, the children enjoyed a range of activities including games, art projects, and role-playing exercises, fostering creativity and fun in a supportive environment.

Meanwhile, parents gathered for a profound session facilitated by Rajika and Dr. Sangeetha. It was a space for open dialogue and shared experiences, where each parent bravely expressed their concerns, struggles, and emotions as caregivers. Witnessing the empathy and support exchanged among parents was truly uplifting, reinforcing the strength of our community.

The day continued with a delightful lunch shared amongst families, followed by cultural performances showcasing the talents of both parents and children. Laughter, music, and dance filled the air as everyone embraced the moment, revelling in the sense of togetherness and belonging.

The idea is to build a community of parents and make them independent and be the voice of each other at all times and make it a small haven for them which they could rely on and have the feeling that they are not alone in this fight. And to have a day of their own apart from the regular caregiving and hospital visits- to enjoy and have a day off.

As we reflect on the success of this meeting, we are reminded of the importance of community and support in our journey as caregivers. Our goal remains steadfast: to nurture a community where parents feel empowered, understood, and cared for, serving as a beacon of support for one another through the highs and lows of caregiving.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to the success of this event, from our dedicated team members to the families who joined us. Together, we are creating a haven where every parent knows they are not alone in their journey.

Until we meet again, let us continue to uplift and support each other, knowing that together, we are stronger.

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