IAHPC Comprehensive Course in Symptom Assessment and Management

The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) announces the launch of its Comprehensive Symptom Assessment and Management course.
This 8-module course is designed for IAHPC members who wish to increase their knowledge and skills in patient-centered management of symptoms (other than pain). The course will be taught by faculty who are experts in the field, and will address symptoms that are common in palliative care for adults. It complements the Comprehensive Pain Assessment and Management course taught by Professor Lukas Radbruch and Dr. Ebtesam Ahmed in June-July 2022.
The curriculum addresses basic principles associated with symptom assessment, effective pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment options, and appropriate therapeutic regimens. The course will cover assessment and management of the most distressing and common symptoms happening in palliative care, such as Fatigue, Delirium, GI symptoms, Dyspnea, Insomnia, Psychological distress and others.
Live sessions will be recorded for participants unable to attend the live session or those who want to review sessions they already watched. Preregistration is required. The course is free to IAHPC members. (Click here to become a member.)