United Nations University and IAHPC webinar on 7th October
Please join the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health and the International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care (IAHPC) on Thursday, October 7 at 11.30 AM IST for an important webinar on Palliative Care and Health Systems: A Multistakeholder dialogue between countries at different levels of integration.

Register NOW: Palliative Care and Health Systems: A Multistakeholder Dialogue
You can also watch the program LIVE on Youtube: https://youtu.be/uxvV20UV_DA
Effective civil society advocacy and official support at all levels of governance are essential to ensure integration of palliative care into health systems per World Health Assembly Resolution 67/19 and the 2018 Declaration of Astana – the guiding global health document.
Many member states that have succeeded in at least partial PC integration have yet to form the necessary multistakeholder collaborations and bilateral alliances with their regional and global counterparts. These relationships are essential to advance palliative care nationally and showcase PC progress at multilateral meetings.
This UNU convening will serve as a template to demonstrate how advocacy-focused collaborations between member states, palliative care organizations, United Nations (UN) entities, and academia can improve integration of palliative care in health systems in member states with different levels of development.
We at Pallium India will surely participate in it; please do if you can.
As Dr Katherine Pettus, Senior Advocacy Director of IAHPC, reminds us, “this meeting is about progress and how we can help one another progress”. We have allowed the sea of health related suffering (10 million in India!) to rage on too long without doing much about the destruction that it causes. Are we pretending that it does not exist?
Please register and join this event. And then let us hold hands across seas and plan some action.
Register now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/palliative-care-and-health-systems-a-multistakeholder-dialogue-tickets-168405723051