A great beginning!
Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, Government of India is a giant in healthcare in India, offering healthcare to all government employees, and of many private institutions and their families.

Thanks to the initiative from Department of Health, Government of Kerala, ESI Kerala is all set to initiate palliative home care – in the city of Kollam to start with. On the 7th of January 2021, we at Pallium India had the privilege to hold a 2-hour sensitization session for 95 doctors and nurses from ESI Kerala.
Dr Arjun Devarajan , Sr Sheeba R S, Ms Smriti Rana and Dr Raja Gopal introduced the basics of palliative care, home care, pain management, palliative nursing, communication etc.
3 palliative care physicians from within ESI, Dr Shyam Unnikrishnan, Dr Nizar and Dr Sithara joined us in the discussions. We were encouraged by the positive feedback we received from the participants and we look forward to walking with ESI Kerala on this pioneering journey.