Usha. K, Trivandrum

Thank you – Pallium India
Let’s not take our lives for granted. Not just my brother’s, our world came crashing down when told by the Oncologist at RCC of his advanced Lung Cancer that had spread to other parts and that Palliation was the only remedy. It was difficult for my brother especially to come to terms with his disease. The inevitable had to be faced.
But, what is ‘Palliative Care’? Luckily for us, the stories narrated by my husband who volunteered with Pallium India, about the sufferings of persons with life-limiting diseases and how Pallium India helped them lead a life of dignity free of pain and suffering (a right bestowed on us by our constitution) until the end, helped prepare us for this tragic eventuality. Pallium India’s dedicated team of doctors, nurses, etc with pain management skills not just physical, but psychological, social and spiritual aspects as well, helped us especially my brother cope with the situation at each stage of the dying process sans any unnecessary interventions. The last scene before the curtains were downed was reminiscent of the scene from Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s ‘Home they brought her warrior dead’. There was no outburst of grief, all contained within, in silent homage to his departed soul.
Thank you Pallium India, the World needs many more of such institutions.
-Usha. K, Trivandrum