Published on: August 23, 2013
Saturday, the 24th August happens to be the 9th death anniversary of the great Elisabeth Kubler Ross (EKR).  EKR foundation sponsors an event all over the world on that day titled, “Let us have dinner and talk about death”. (See the article in the Huffington Post by Jaweed Kaleem.)
We are going to have an event in Trivandrum, Kerala, India too.  Not exactly dinner; let us call it high tea. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross at Arizona House, 2001, Editorial use only, No TabsAbout 150 of us shall get together in the famous Kanakakunnu Palace and talk about the way death is being medicalised and mechanised. The discussion shall explore how intensive care causes intensive suffering in the context of incurable diseases; how death needs to be accepted as the inevitable consequence of life and what we can do to protect ourselves – say like preparing living wills. The participants will include social luminaries like Dr Babu Paul IAS, Dr Biju Prabhakar IAS, Mr.M.G Radhakrishan, Mr Rajiv Nath, Mr Krishappan Nair and Pallium India’s chairman, Dr M.R.Rajagopal.
If you live in Trivandrum, do please join us at 4 PM at Kanakakunnu Palace on Saturday the 24th of August, 2013.

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