ZOOM ONLINE | April 7, 2025

Please note: this training is ONLINE & in English

Trivandrum Institute of Palliative Sciences (TIPS), Pallium India collaborates with ECHO International (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) to conduct palliative care certificate courses in India. The aim of these courses is to provide training in pain management and palliative care.

Classes Scheduled: 18 Sessions (2 sessions per week)

Day of the week: Monday & Fridays

Start Date: 07 April 2025 (Monday)

End Date: 16 June 2025 (Monday)

Class Timing: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (IST)

Where: ZOOM Online

Scroll down for more information about the course.

More About this training:

Foundation Course in Palliative Nursing is an online course aimed at training nursing professionals and final year nursing students in pain management and palliative care.

Trivandrum Institute of Palliative Sciences (TIPS) collaborates with ECHO International (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) to provide palliative care education and expertise using an online platform. As part of TIPS-ECHO, we conduct sessions to enable medical professionals to inculcate the principles of palliative care in their treatment.

  • B.Sc. Nursing or 4 Year Degree in Nursing
  • GNM or 3 Year Diploma in Nursing
  • ANM or 2 Year Diploma in Nursing
  • BSc Nursing- Final Year Student
Class Details

No of sessions: 18

To ensure adequate interaction during sessions, we will have to limit the number of participants at each course on a first-come, first-serve basis. So register quickly!


Participants need to attend all sessions. If one is unable to attend a session, due to unexpected emergency, they should watch the session videos provided and mail us back a summary of the class. Course certificate can be issued only to those who have attended minimum 80% of the sessions.

Course Fees:

₹3000. Payment is to be made after completing the registration (registration link is given below).

(Please fill this form for registration. Please Keep an image (jpeg/pdf) of your Nursing Council Registration and a passport size photo handy for upload as well.)

After you complete the registration, please pay the fees online:

If you have any queries, please write to: tipsecho@palliumindia.org

Features of Online Foundation Course in Palliative Nursing
  • Prescribed syllabus-oriented courses
  • 1 or 2 sessions per week, as per schedule
  • Pre-test and post-test for assessment
  • Case Presentation by a participant in each session
  • Regular assignments
  • Various learning materials will be provided
  • Several articles regarding the subject will be shared
  • Certificate issuance at the end based on Case Presentation, Attendance (minimum 80% required) and Assignments (needs to score minimum 80% of the total marks)

Learning Outcomes

  • Introduction to Palliative Care:
    • Definition
    • History
    • Principles of Palliative Care
    • Concepts of grief & bereavement
    • Palliative care in non-cancer illness
  • Introduction to Pain
    • Definition
    • Pathophysiology
    • Classification of pain-Nociceptive and neuropathic pain
    • Assessment of pain
    • Concept of acute and chronic pain
  • Management of Pain
    • Describe WHO analgesic ladder
    • Principles of WHO analgesic ladder
    • Describe the drugs on Step 1 ,2 except opioids (NSAIDs, Paracetamol and Adjuvants)
    • Describe the drugs used to treat neuropathic pain
    • Describe nurses role in pain management
  • Mangement of Pain-Opioids
    • Describe the opioids
    • Management of opioid side effects &Toxic effects
    • Morphine trial
    • Documentation and Instruction to be taken while taking opioids
  • Communication
    • Need of Medical communication
    • Barriers to effective communication
    • Steps to effective communication
    • Differentiate between good and poor communication
    • Develop listening skills
  • Communication II
    • Communicating Bad News
    • Dealing with collusion
    • Dealing with emotion
  • Wound Management I ( Pressure Sore)
    • Describe the causes,risk factors and pathophysiology of pressure sores
    • Describe the stages and its management
    • Describe the principles of prevention of pressure sores
  • Wound Management II ( Fungating Ulcer)
    • Describe the pathophysiology and assessment of fungating ulcer
    • Management of pain,malodor,wound exudates and bleeding
    • Describe the psychosocial issues caused by a fungating wound
    • Prevention and management of maggots
  • Psycho-social Issues
    • Describe the various psychosocial interventions in Palliative care.
    • Describe the components of a psychosocial assessment
    • Describe a spiritual assessment
  • Delirium
    • Describe the pharmacological and non-drug management of delirium
    • Recognize the symptoms of delirium
    • Describe the causes of delirium
  • Gastro Intestinal symptoms-Nausea & Vomiting
    • Describe the assessment and management of nausea and vomiting
    • Describe the assessment and  management of constipation
    • Describe spurious diarrhoea and high up enema
  • Gastro Intestinal symptoms-Intestinal Obstuction
    • Describe the pharmacological and non- pharmacological management of bowel obstruction
    • Nursing management
  • Respiratory Symptoms-Cough & Dyspnoea
    • Describe the management of breathlessness
    • Role of oxygen in breathlessness
    • Describe the management of cough
    • Role of nurse in management of respiratory symptoms
  • Ostomy Care
    • Describe tracheostomy care
    • Describe the types and management of Ostomy care
    • Management of peristomal skin reactions
    • Describe the needs of colostomy irrigation
  • Subcutaneous Infusion/ Hypodermoclysis
    • Describe definition
    • Describe the sites, infusion rate and volume
    • Common indications and contra indications
    • List out the advantages and disadvantages
    • Nurses responsibility
  • Lymphoedema
    • Overview of lymphatic system
    • Describe the definition, causes, stages and assessment of lymphoedema
    • Discuss about the principles of decongestive therapy
  • Lymphoedema Practical Session
  • End of Life Care (EOLC) & Medical Ethics
    • Describe the principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice and apply them to palliative care
    • Communication with the patient and family at the end of life
    • Recognize the dying process
    • Describe when it is appropriate to withhold treatment
    • Prescribing for end of life care
How to join the session

ECHO is conducted through ZOOM application which can be downloaded (free download) from Google play store for mobile phones and direct download from internet for Windows. Download from: https://zoom.us/download

For any assistance, please contact:

For more information on this course or for any assistance, please call 91-90726 20081 or write to us: tipsecho@palliumindia.org

Clinical Director: Dr. M. R. Rajagopal
Project Facilitator: Sheeba R. S
Project Coordinator: Ms Arya J Nair

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