Published on: February 28, 2016

“Please say Bye to my Mommy.”
“Tell my daughter I approve of her choice.”
“Has my son come?”

iapc nursesThese are some of the last words that were spoken by people as they lay dying. Most of these were meant for family members, but they were not around at the time. The words were heard by the nurses who took care of them in their last stages.

The nurses to whom these words were uttered share their experiences in a film unveiled at the Indian Association of Palliative Care’s annual conference (IAPCON). This initiative, developed by the Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC), is themed #LastWords and features real nurses recounting the last words said to them at hospitals. The campaign seeks to raise awareness on palliative care.

Watch the video here:,iapc-puts-last-moments-of-life-in-the-spotlight-with-lastwords-told-to-nurses.aspx

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